Hey folks. Today we chat with the excellent Pasha Malla about All You Can Kill, a continuation of the story begun with his last novel, Kill the Mall. Hope you enjoy.
Pasha Malla
There are so many great books by Hamiltonians this spring. It’s kind of unbelievable (or should I say, I totally believe it? I don’t know). One of my favourites is Kill the Mall by Pasha Malla. It’s a very unique, highly unusual and even more highly entertaining work. Pasha joins me today to discuss!
CONGRATS to the winners of the Hamilton Literary Awards! Our winners are
Poetry: Shane Neilson, Dysphoria
Non-Fiction: Daniel Coleman, Yardwork
Fiction: Pasha Malla, Fugue States
Kerry Schooley Award: Daniel Coleman, Yardwork
Check out our interviews with these fine folk in the links. Congrats to all the nominees as well! We had a full house and it was a fun, inspiring time for all of us.
Today’s feature interview is with David Small, award-winning children’s author and graphic novelist. His first graphic novel, Stitches, was a huge success and his newest should be as well. Home After Dark is wonderful, I encourage you to pick it up. Enjoy our interview!
GET LIT E57 with DOMENICO CAPILONGO (with special guests Pasha Malla and Olga Kwak)
Hey everyone!
I want to take this moment to say I’m super excited about my own book-related things at the moment. First of all, I have finally been reviewed! The Captain of Kinnoull Hill was reviewed by the excellent Mark Sampson in the newest issue of Hamilton Arts and Letters. READ THE REVIEW HERE!!!
I also want to thank my new best friends at the Ontario Arts Council, as well as my publisher Palimpsest Press, for the Recommender’s Grant I just received. It’s my first-ever arts grant. Not sure if that makes me part of a club but it sure helps pay the bills and allows me more time to write, which is the point!
Today on the show, poet Domenico Capilongo talks about his latest, Send, out with Guernica Editions. We also hear Pasha Malla read from Fugue States, while my pal Olga Kwak reviews the latest from Jan Wong, Apron Strings: Navigating Food and Family in France, Italy and China. Hope you enjoy!
Hey everyone!
Fresh from the north, so no time to write much this week! Hope you enjoy these final days of summer.
Today’s show features Pasha Malla. Born in the Maritimes, Malla currently lives here in Hamilton, ON. We talk about writing in general, and about his novel Fugue States in specific. Enjoy!