If there seems to be a familiarity between myself and this week’s first guest, it’s not your imagination. Professor and poet Alexandra Pasian is a McMaster graduate, my former roommate and one of my favourite people on earth. I try to keep it professional, I really do. I had to cut out parts where we talk about people you don’t know (sorry, Alexandra, all references to Carm Iachelli and Chris Dovey were excised lol). The important part is: poetry! Alexandra’s latest chapbook, Work Until You Find Resistance, is available through Junction Books.
This interview is coupled with a great chat with about Natalee Caple, who, in keeping with our unintentional academic theme, is an assistant professor at Brock U. Love In The Chthulucene (Cthulhucene), her latest collection, is wonderful and available through Wolsak & Wynn.
Hope you enjoy!